Sunday, December 28, 2014

Stunning New York City!

 This is the view north from the "Top of the Rock" (Rockefeller Center).  Central Park gives relief to the forest of buildings.  We live a block west of the park.
 The is the view to the south end of Manhattan.  It is dominated by the Empire State Building.
 This view from the Staten Island Ferry shows the southern tip of Manhattan dressing up with her lights at dusk.  The tallest building at the left is the new World Trade Center. Another highlight of the ferry ride was a beautiful view of the Statue of Liberty.
We were so excited to have our first visitors!  Sam and Tatum came for a couple of days after Christmas before their return to Shanghai.  It was such fun to share the City with them.

A Magical Christmas in New York City

We joined the crowds dazzled by the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center.
The Church had a huge "He Is the Gift" display at Times Square.

Saks Fifth Avenue had fabulous mechanical window displays.
Here are Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf.

St Patrick's Cathedral in the heart of the city

Mounted policemen at Rockefeller Center

Steve and Marj Bennion, the president and matron of the Manhattan Temple, met us at the airport and have been so kind in helping us get settled here.  It will be a blessing to work with these faithful, dedicated leaders.

Our Call as Missionaries to the Manhattan New York Temple

We are thrilled to be called as missionaries to serve in the Manhattan New York Temple for the next twelve months.  We attended marvelous training at the Salt Lake Temple for three days before flying off the New York City on December 18.  We were welcomed there by 14 other senior missionary couples who serve in various capacities in the area and live in our same apartment building, which is adjacent to the temple.  We will do without a car, but can walk or take public transportation everywhere we need to go.  The temple is in a fabulous location on the Upper East Side, just across the street from Lincoln Center.  We are within an easy walk to the concert venues there as well as to Central Park , the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New York Natural History Museum,, and so much more.