Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Magical New York City Christmas

Christmas time in New York City is MAGICAL!  Unusually warm winter temperatures this year have made walking around the City at night very enjoyable.  Many of the store windows are stunning, like this one at Lord and Taylor's.  The large cuckoo clock chimes and the doors open for a fun show.
At the store entrance utilitarian maintenance scaffolding is cleverly disguised and transformed
 into an  arbor of glittering, light-studded evergreen.   

I thought this animated gingerbread crowd and house in a Lord and Taylor's window was especially cute.

The huge Macy's store at Herald Square ("The largest store in the world") featured two different series of animated displays:  one told the story of "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."  The other, with some of the windows shown here, featured Charlie Brown and the Peanuts Christmas story. 

One evening we attended a beautiful program, the 36th annual "A City Singing at Christmas" in the packed St Patrick's Cathedral downtown.  We enjoyed choirs and congregational singing, ending with each of us lighting a candle in the darkened nave and singing  "Silent Night."  It was moving to express and share tender feelings for the Savior with thousands of other faithful New Yorkers.  A few days later we attended a similar, and equally touching, candle-light service in the huge, non-denominational Riverside Church on the Upper West Side.
The stores around Rockefeller Center downtown are always especially decked out for the season.  This is the facade of Saks Fifth Avenue which presented an ever-changing light show timed to Christmas music. 
Here is the window of a fabulous candy store in Rockefeller Center
The Rockefeller Plaza tree and ice skaters.
The elegant Bergdorf &Goodman store windows on Fifth Avenue were designed with thousands of crystal "jewels."
The highlight of our Flushing First Branch Christmas party was the Primary nativity presentation and singing.  These darling children sang "Away in a Manger" perfectly," first in English and then in Spanish.  They also sang one of my favorites, "He Sent His Son":  How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?  He sent His Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness.  How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?  He sent His Son to walk with men on earth that we may know.  How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice and death?  He sent His Son to die for us and rise with living breath!  What does the Father ask of us?  What do the scriptures say?  Have faith, have hope, live like His Son; help others on their way.  What does He ask?  Live like His Son!
Here the ward choir sings several numbers for the party.  Elder Hawkins was especially appreciated as he accompanied all the singing.
Some of the men in the branch, including our branch president, second on the left, played for us.
In Primary we have been learning about prophets, whose teachings guide us in our lives.  We learned that President Thomas S Monson asked us in the last general conference to be examples and lights to the world.  We have been talking about how the children can SHINE, and they certainly do as they faithfully and courageously try to follow Jesus in an every-darkening world.  I made star-shaped sugar cookies for them, bagged and tagged:  "YOU SHINE!"  
We enjoyed caroling with our fellow senior missionaries in the lobby of our apartment building.  It has been such a privilege to be associated with these devoted and talented Saints!
We'll have no "White Christmas" this year!  On Christmas Eve, with record temperatures in the 70s, we could take a pleasant bike ride in Central Park.

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