Monday, April 6, 2015

Sharing New York with Visitors from Home

What a treat it was for us to have visitors from home:  Brent, Sharilyn, Sage, Claire, Seth, and Halley Jo came from Bountiful for a week of exploring in New York City.  We loved having them with us and sharing some of their adventures.  Brent had them trooping all over the city discovering the delights of everything from little pizza shops to Wall Street.  One morning we spent over FOUR HOURS in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Amazingly, the kids remained enthusiastic and uncomplaining!!

 Some highlights were playing at the FAO Schwartz toy store, eating street food, visiting the annual spring flower show at Macy's Department Store, and getting lost in the overwhelming Museum of Natural History.
We were pleased to be on hand when they did baptisms in the Manhattan Temple.
Halley Jo was ALWAYS ready for a hot dog.
Claire loved visiting the REAL Statue of Liberty, too.
We had to visit the Herald Square Macy's:  "largest store in the world."

Sage enjoyed riding bikes through Central Park, and experiencing the light and bustle of Times Square.
 Seth became a fan of Jackson Pollock at the Museum of Modern Art.

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