Monday, June 15, 2015

Priesthood Restoration, Harmony Pennsylvania

Last week we got to take a "road trip" with the other temple missionaries  to visit Harmony, Pennsylvania, three hours to the west of New York City; here we were excited to see all that the Church has done to develop the site of the latter-day restoration of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods.  Workmen were busy all over the area hoping to have the project completed and ready for dedication this fall.

A beautiful chapel/visitor center built of the locally quarried blue stone was nearing completion.  New statues commemorating the restorations had just been installed.

The original foundations of the grand Isaac Hale home and Joseph and Emma's small home had been identified, excavated, and used as the "footprints" for these lovely historic reproductions.  

Elder Hawkins stands by the original commemorative monument erected years ago and which has been left in place.  He remembered contributing to the fund to build it when he was a young Aaronic Priesthood holder.
 The original headstone marking the grave of Joseph and Emma Smith's infant who died at birth is encased in a modern headstone in the nearby country graveyard.

The day's highlight was the hour we spent with a knowledgeable and inspiring local Institute director on the banks of the peaceful Susquehanna River reviewing the glorious events commemorated here.

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