Friday, October 23, 2015

Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation: "I Know that My Savior Lives"

Sunday we presented the annual Primary Sacrament Meeting Program for the Flushing New York First Branch:  "I KNOW THAT MY SAVIOR LIVES."  We were thrilled that most of our Primary children came and were prepared to do a great job.  We had helped each prepare a little talk about something we had learned in Primary this year.   We had coached, and they had practiced; they rose to the occasion in standing tall at the podium, speaking clearly and expressing sincerely their sweet testimonies of Jesus Christ.  Gustavo, sitting on the front right, was baptized just a month ago.  Joel, with gray vest/suit and red tie, spoke about Christ forgiving and healing  Malcus, one of the soldiers who arrested Him.  In between talks the children sang the songs we had learned this year.  The solid piano accompaniment by Elder Hawkins made all this possible.

The youngest little guy on the first row, being held by his older brother, won our hears by singing a precious little unaccompanied  solo in Spanish about a "Happy Family." (All of these children speak Spanish at home but are perfectly fluent in English, as well.)  Faith, at the far left on the second row, a darling and mature 12-year-old, spoke touchingly about her gratitude for the Savior and of a difficult time in her life when she felt very strongly His love and peace.  Even our two  especially challenging boys rose to the occasion, behaved themselves, and participated beautifully.  I 'll bet you can guess which ones they are on the front row.
We sang lots of  Primary songs; the children's favorite was "I Know that My Savior Loves Me."  What a thrill to hear the children sing the words with genuine feeling:
"I know He lives; I will follow faithfully.  My heart I give to Him.  I know that my Savior loves me!"

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