Thursday, December 3, 2015

November Family Visits

We were so excited that Eleanor, Pete, and Rachel could come to New York City again to visit us.  Since their last visit, they have moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan where Pete is completing his residency in radiation oncology.  Eleanor didn't mind a little rainy weather during their stay because that meant that she got to play with an umbrella.

Eleanor especially enjoyed riding the subway trains.  She did not seem the least intimidated by their speed and noise.  She did echo our warnings, however, about the danger of getting too close to the edge of the platform.

All the photos we took of Eleanor at the excellent Transit Museum in Brooklyn were blurry because she was in CONSTANT motion, running from one interactive display to the next!

Eleanor and her Grammy share a love of POPCORN!

We rode on lots of subway lines, including the "E" line:  E for Eleanor!

Right after Pete, Rachel and Eleanor's visit, we were lucky to get another visit, this time from Danny, Julie and their three children. We were so happy they could spend their Thanksgiving week with us!  They had so much energy and enthusiasm for exploring the City!  On their first morning here, they went ice skating at Wollman Rink in Central Park.  After that, they kept wanting to return to the Park.

There were still some colorful fall leaves, and though the air was crisp, these Californians were not kept in by the cold.  

The kids were so pleased that, in spite of the fact that the City has such a concentration of huge buildings, it also has wonderful, natural green spaces where they could run and play.

A favorite activity for the kids was climbing on the huge, natural outcroppings of "Manhattan Schist" that liberally dot the Park. For the adults, there was no end of picturesque arches, bridges, and paths.

We enjoyed a view of the Lower Manhattan skyline from Brooklyn and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Our apartment was conveniently located for so many adventures. Sometimes we took the subway, but these energetic kids were happy to walk many places in the City.

Saurey was especially excited about visiting the Statue of Liberty.

They enjoyed several Broadway shows on crazy, crowded Times Square.  
One morning we visited the Intrepid Museum located in/on a World War II aircraft carrier docked in the Hudson River. 

 We got up early on Thanksgiving Day to attend the famous Macy's Parade which passed along Central Park West, just a block from our apartment. Grandpa got up very early to save us great seats on the sidewalk.

We felt so blessed to have this precious family with us to share our Thanksgiving Day!  Rachel's sister Joelle joined us, too.  Julie took this photo of our Thanksgiving feast, so we missed getting her in the picture.  Jackson liked the rolls; Asher specialized in eating the stuffing; Saurey tried cranberry sauce for the first time and loved it!

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