Friday, January 8, 2016

Tess and Rue Visit New York City

We were so pleased that Sam, Tatum, and their girls, Tess and Rue, came for a short visit.
We walked across Central Park on a blustery day and stopped at the Alice in Wonderland sculpture.
Tess sat on a toadstool and got acquainted with all of Alice's friends.
Later, she discovered another of the Park's sculptures, this one of friendly bears.
Tess and Rue especially responded to the art in the modern and contemporary collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Rue thought that New York hot dogs were the best!

We enjoyed making gingerbread men cookies together.

Out mission has been such a blessing to us and our family.  Even though we haven't been able to go and visit our children and grandchildren, they have ALL been able to come and visit us!  It has been a joy to share New York City with them!

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