Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year

 It has been fun to share in the excitement of Chinese New Year with some of the local members.  These sisters, members of the local Pathway cohort, handed out these hand-lettered greetings to all of us for the occasion.

A group of Relief Society sisters presented several Tai Chi routines, including this impressive fan dance.

On our walk to church along Main Street in Flushing, we pass many Chinese shops full of holiday decorations, foods, and specialties.  Everything glitters with gold and red!

With all the sights, smells, and sounds of this neighborhood in Queens, we feel like we have stepped right into China.

We attended the huge New Year's celebration put on by the Chinese members of the Manhattan Stake.  Here are some friends from our Flushing First Branch.  They are so proud of their heritage and are eager to share their music, folktales, dance and food.  We enjoyed dumplings, fried rice, and holiday cakes before the cultural program.

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR from Elder Hawkins and his friend!

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