Friday, March 6, 2015

Senior Missionary Couples at the Manhattan Temple

One of the chief joys of our missionary service is our association with the other senior missionary couples also serving in Manhattan (some of whom are pictured here).  We all live in the same apartment building and often gather for meals and excursions together. We all serve a seven-hour shift every day the temple is open, typically five days a week. In addition, many of us attend Sunday meetings in outlying branches and wards in the area where we can make a contribution. We have been called here  from many different places:  Nevada, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, etc.  The faith and devotion of these dear fellow-workers energizes us!    In addition to  our temple service, we all also enjoy our adventures exploring New York City.   President Steve and Sister Marj Bennion preside over the temple work here with great love and grace.     

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