Sunday, May 24, 2015

Eleanor's Adventures in the Big City

 We loved having a week's visit from Eleanor and her parents, Pete and Rachel.  We all moved at a more relaxed pace through many of the city's sights, and enjoyed them in a whole new way, through a toddler's eyes.

Here we are in the Cloisters' gardens featuring plants and gardening techniques from the Middle Ages.

 Eleanor loved sitting with her favorite friends near the apartment window where she could enjoy the sun and get a good view down into the street below.  She liked watching the trucks, buses and taxis whiz by.  The sidewalks were filled with the most interesting people and dogs!
 We had hoped she could make friends with the giant Hans Christen Andersen statue in Central Park, who reads his huge book of fairy tales to all the children who pass.
 Eleanor especially enjoyed the stunning dioramas at the Museum of Natural History.  Their floor-to-ceiling format was perfect for her viewing.  She liked to study the description plaques placed right at her level.  She appropriated the museum map and led us through the exhibit halls.

 Many things in New York City are just plain BIG!
. . . . from an Easter Island head in the Natural History Museum to a bright red sculpture on a downtown sidewalk.
The carousel in Central Park was a highlight.  At first Eleanor resisted even getting on her big horse; then she warmed up to the idea.  Every time she passed us as her horse went around and around, her smile got bigger and bigger.  Finally she decided that all the bright colors, happy sounds, and twirling motion were were pretty fun!

We had to try out every escalator we happened to see.  This one was in the Plaza Hotel, featured in the children's book Elouise.

What could be better than a simple picnic in Central Park?  There are endless discoveries to be made wherever you look!

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