Friday, May 15, 2015

Meg and Tim Visit "The Big Apple"

Our daughter, Emily, and grandchildren Meg and Tim came for a four-day visit and packed in as many sights as they could!  We walked the Brooklyn Bridge for a spectacular view of the city's lights.

We took a ferry out to Liberty Island in New York Harbor and were thrilled by the sight of our beautiful Statue of Liberty.  We even got to climb up inside to her crown.  This full-sized model shows her nose is about four and a half feet long.
 Of course we had to try lots of the delicious, thin-crusted New York pizza.
 And we enjoyed some amazing pastrami at Katz's Delicatessen on the Lower East Side.

A highlight for both Tim and Meg was attending some Broadway shows:  Phantom of the Opera and Wicked and [the favorite] Matilda.
We biked the Central Park loop dodging the taxis and joggers.  The Rhododendrons are in their glory right now.

 We were all dazzled by the incredible, seemingly endless displays at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Tim liked the armor; Meg found a cool drum!

Meg and Tim were excited to attend the Manhattan New York Temple to do baptisms for the dead.  We were happy we could help them provide these ordinances for some English Lancaster cousins from the 1800s.

 What a breathtaking view from the top of the Empire State Building!

Of course we had to sample some genuine New York bagels and try a traditional "black and white" cookie.  Meg and Tim were great tourists, happy and uncomplaining.

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